Rise and Shine S Starter. Activity Book + eBook - Helen Dineen

Rise and Shine S Starter A1. Activity Book + eBook Help turn today's young learners into tomorrow's global citizens with Rise and Shine . Made for inclusive classrooms, learners advance their English skills with diverse characters and situations. Built-in GSE Learning Objectives allow teachers to track, plan and measure each learner's progress. Child-friendly charts show their personal learning journey, promoting autonomy and responsibility. With a rigorous approach to formative assessment, every lesson is designed to help each child achieve their learning goals. Appealing stories and real-life content create a world that young learners can relate to in their own lives. Well-structured activities develop future skills, such as collaboration and teamwork, communication, critical and creative thinking, and self-management. Rise and Shine 's unique mix of printed and digital components is designed for use in inclusive classrooms. Support for individual learning needs ensures learners grow in confidence and achieve their best, preparing them to become global citizens of tomorrow.
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